These days, most cloud servers employ either two-factor authentication or SSH to ensure that only genuine users are able to pass through the secure access gateways.
SSH, the more widely used of the two protocols, is a network protocol that allows you to connect to a distant computer (cloud server) using a command-line interface.
SSH makes use of a cryptographic structure for both authentication and the work session, making it preferable to the other protocols available for remote administration of Linux/Unix systems in comparison to those available for Windows systems.
Here is our guide to connecting to cloud hosting via SSH. Take a look…
Guide to Connect Cloud Hosting via SSH
Here’s how to connect to your cloud server via SSH:
If you are attempting to connect straight from a Linux or Mac terminal through SSH, please use the following format to write the command:
$ ssh -p 22
If you do not supply the whole username, such as username@example, the server will attempt to log in as your local user, in this case,, and you will receive a login error because that user does not exist on the server.
Configuration for PuTTY
PuTTY is a free, open-source terminal emulator. It supports a variety of network protocols. You’ll need the following settings before you start PuTTY:
The Technical Details section of your AMP home page contains your hostname and username.
- Host Name: You can use your server’s IP address, domain, or server name as your hostname (as in
- Username: Enter your cPanel username here.
- Password: Enter your cPanel password here.
Connect via PuTTY
In order to connect via PuTTY, follow these steps:
Open PuTTY
Enter your server’s name/ hostname.
Click “Open.”
Can’t get connected? Or have you received an error message?
Whatever it is, if any of these happen, just check whether or not your IP address is added to the firewall.
Once you open PuTTY, you’ll receive a “PuTTY Security Alert.” Select “Yes” to proceed.
“Login As” will appear. Please enter your login and then press the Enter key.
The password for will then appear:
Enter your password and press the enter key.
PuTTY will not display anything when you type your password for security reasons; this is normal.
After successfully logging in, you will see: [~]#
If you receive an error stating that Shell Access is Not Enabled on your server, you must contact our tech support team at kenniesit. They will assist you and provide you with a timely solution.
If you have access to your WHM, you can enable SSH through it.
That’s it; you’ve successfully signed in using SSH!
Do you want a more intuitive cloud that makes it easier to log in via SSH?
Get access to kenniesit self-service cloud, which is capable of running high-performance virtual machines.