Server Colocation Hosting India

Delivering efficiency and reliability Server Colocation Hosting Solutions with Redundant Power

Kennies Data Center an amazing place for server colocation. Our forward-thinking strategy enables us to provide innovative colocation hosting solutions tailored to your needs. Our team of industry-certified on-site professionals monitors your servers 24/7, guaranteeing optimal efficiency and reliability.

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Kennies provides world-class colocation services to empower your business to greater heights. We rent you space in our 9-layer secured and scaled data center to home your servers and IT equipment to meet your business’s unique needs. Plus, We provide all the essential facilities required to build IT infrastructure such as server support, power, cooling, network connectivity, and physical security. 

Server colocation through Kennies Data Center is an ideal solution to optimize your infrastructure and benefit from state-of-the-art features to easily manage your data. We prioritize uptime and data security, providing the latest cooling systems, power redundancy, and robust network connectivity to ensure your servers are set up in a rugged environment.

Being your colocation hosting partner, we assure  that your data is safe and secured even during emergencies. we commit to supporting your business’s expansion and success. While handling your server infrastructure, we permit you to focus on your core competencies, driving innovation and achieving your business goals.

server colocation hosting service

Server Colocation Plans

Boost your business by acquiring the incredible benefits of a Server Colocation.

Technical Specifications Of Server Colocation

Data Center Facilities

Kennies provides you with all the essential facilities required to operate efficiently such as security, redundant power, cooling, and network connectivity. With our colocation services, you can experience the benefit of a robust IT Infrastructure without managing and maintaining your data center.

High-Speed Connectivity

We provide multiple internet connections to meet your specific demands. This means you can choose the provider that better satisfies your needs with reliable and high-speed connectivity, ensuring your server can handle heavy workloads and large amounts of data transfer without facing any challenges. 

Power Density and Redundancy

Our collocation service is the best suite for businesses of all sizes. To accommodate your varying power needs, we provide various plans among which you can choose the right one for you. Also, we implement various redundancy measures like backup generators, UPS, and N+1 configuration to ensure continuous business operations. 


Kennies provides a secure and scalable IT environment with 9 layers of security to prevent unauthorized access to your servers. Also, we offer safe and reliable network security through firewalls, intrusion detection, and data encryption measures, ensuring your data safety and security. 

Remote Hands Support

Our highly experienced team is available 24/7/365 to monitor and maintain servers, perform routine maintenance, maintain systems, and provide emergency support in the event of emergencies.

Backup & Disaster Recovery

We assist with reliable disaster recovery options and backup solutions for protecting your necessary data. We implement best practices like regular backups, testing DR procedures, and more to allow easy restoration in the event of any unforeseen events.and with redundant backups, you get assured that your data is safe and secured.

Server Colocation Functionalities and Performance

Media Streaming IP TV

Delivering high-quality content to a global audience demands a robust and scalable infrastructure. Server colocation provides streaming platforms with the necessary resources to handle heavy video traffic, reduce latency, and ensure uninterrupted streaming experiences.

Media Storage

Managing vast amounts of media content, such as images, videos, and audio files, demands significant storage capacity. Server colocation offers media companies secure and scalable storage solutions in state-of-the-art data centers.

Live Streaming Events

Live streaming events, such as concerts, sports matches, and conferences, require robust infrastructure to handle sudden spikes in viewership. Server colocation allows event organizers to scale their server resources dynamically, ensuring that live streams remain stable and accessible to a vast audience.


Online gaming requires low latency, high-speed connectivity, and reliable server performance. Colocation hosting enables gaming companies to deploy dedicated servers in strategic locations, ensuring smooth gameplay and minimal lag.

Online Advertising

For advertising agencies and platforms, ad-serving speed and reliability are vital for successful campaigns. Colocating servers in data centers close to target markets optimizes ad delivery and minimizes latency.

Content Delivery Nodes

CDNs are critical for distributing content swiftly to end-users across the globe. By colocating servers CDNs reduce the physical distance between users and content, improving load times and lowering bandwidth costs.

Kennies DC: Empowering Your Business with Server Colocation

Kennies is a leading colocation service provider with a strong reputation and extensive experience in this segment. So, you can completely rely on Kennies for your expanding demands for data management, storage, and online services. With kennies proactive approach to ensure the optimal performance of servers, with minimal downtime and efficiency your business can achieve new heights.

Benefits of a Server Colocation

Progressive Data Centers: Our colocation hosting services exaggerate modern and robust data centers strategically located around India. These facilities are made to meet the highest industry standards, equipped with redundant power sources, advanced cooling systems, and top-notch security measures. 

Unmatchable Connectivity: India’s booming IT Sector demands unrivaled connectivity. Our colocation facilities are prominent with multiple high-speed internet providers, enabling flexible data transfers and minimal latency. 

Scalability and Reliability: We acknowledge that business needs to evolve with time. Our colocation hosting services assist with the flexibility to scale up or down as per the requirements of our clients. 

Data Security and Compliance: Kennies prioritizes the security of our client’s data. Our data centers are harnessed with advanced security measures, involving 24/7 surveillance, biometric access controls, fire detection systems, and network security protocols. 

Supporting India’s Digital Transformation: As India undergoes a digital transformation, our colocation hosting services play an important role in supporting businesses’ digital initiatives. While providing reliable and scalable infrastructure, we deliver towards the growth and success of organizations across multiple industries. 

Why choose Kennies Data Center for a Server Colocation?

Robust Infrastructure

We acquire pride in operating state-of-the-art data centers refurbished with highly advanced technology. Our facilities hold redundant power systems, efficient cooling, and advanced top-tier security measures for assuring the highest level of uptime and data protection for your servers.


Developing and maintaining an on-site data center is financially burdensome. With our colocation hosting, you can easily reduce upfront infrastructure costs. While sharing resources in our data centers, you only pay for space and services that you utilize.

Reliability and Flexibility

We surely understand that businesses resolve over time, and their infrastructure requires transformation accordingly. Our colocation hosting services offer flexible solutions that can easily adapt to your growing needs.

Security and Compliance

Data Security is necessary. Our data centers equip stringent security measures, involving round-the-clock surveillance, biometric access controls, fire detection systems, and network security protocols. We adhere to industry compliance standards to ensure your data remains safe and meets relevant regulations.

Effective Performance

With our colocation hosting, you can expect enhanced server performance and network reliability. While profiting through our robust infrastructure and connectivity, you can provide exceptional user experiences to your customers or end-users.

Geographical Redundancy

Redundancy is necessary for safeguarding against potential disruptions. While colocating your servers in multiple geographically diverse data centers, you benefit through added redundancy and ensure business continually even during unforeseen events.

What Our Client Says?

Moving our servers to a data center for colocation is one of the best decisions we have made for our business. The facility’s robust infrastructure and 24/7/365 support ensure uninterrupted uptime, allowing us to focus on our core operations without worrying about server maintenance.

Rakesh Sharma

With the redundant systems and top-notch security measures, our data is safer than ever before. Server Colocation has transformed our IT infrastructure to the next level. Colocating the servers has offered us the flexibility to scale our resources as required.

Rajveer Singh

Our organization’s transition to server colocation has exceeded our expectations in every aspect. The facility’s knowledgeable staff guided us through the migration process flawlessly, assuring minimal disruption to our operations. I highly appreciate with kennies.

Riya Aggarwal

Server Colocation FAQs

What is Server Colocation?

Server Colocation is the practice of acquiring privately owned servers in third-party data. This allows businesses to get the advantage through the data center’s infrastructure, involving power, cooling, security, and network connectivity while retaining full control over their hardware and software configurations.

Why choose Server Colocation over hosting my servers on-site?

Server Colocation provides multiple benefits over on-site hosting, involving superior infrastructure, enhanced security measures, redundant power and cooling systems, and access to high-speed internet connections. It allows control over their hardware and software configurations.

How does server colocation ensure the security of my data?

Server Colocation assures robust security measures, involving 24/7 surveillance, biometric access controls, and fire suppression systems, for protecting client’s data. Along with this, colocation facilities undergo third-party audits to ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations, further boosting data security.

Can I upgrade or downgrade my server resources easily with server colocation?

Yes, Server Colocation provides scalability, allowing businesses to upgrade or downgrade their server resources as required. Even if you need additional storage, computing power, or network bandwidth, colocation providers can cater to your evolving needs without the requirement for significant upfront investment or downtime.

What level of support can I expect with server colocation?

Get physical security like biometric access, surveillance cameras, and security. Redundant power supply for continuous functioning of Data Center. Grab the best deals on network connectivity and benefit through high-speed internet connections. Data Centers maintain precise temperature and humidity levels to protect server equipment, from overheating, and optimal performance. Colocation eliminates the need of developing a data center however they can get one from us.

How does server colocation help to assure business continuity and disaster recovery?

Server Colocation provides business continuity and disaster recovery through housing servers within a secure off-site location. During natural disasters, power outages, or unforeseen circumstances, businesses can rely on redundancy and backup systems of the colocation facility to minimize downtime and maintain critical operations.

Is server colocation cost-effective for small businesses?

Server colocation is cost-effective for businesses of all sizes. While outsourcing infrastructure management to a colocation provider, small businesses avoid capital expenses held with building and maintaining on-site data centers while benefiting through reliability, scalability, and security.
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