Kennies IT


Network and Storage Scalability in Dedicated Server Hosting

Expansion of data without performance degradation turns into network and storage scalability. Businesses like e-commerce, finance, social media platforms, and other growing businesses need to expand their storage capacity & hardware space. For that, network and storage scalability is needed. Though in dedicated server hosting, this service becomes more feasible without downtime. With this knowledge source, we will share details on network and storage expansion with detailed analysis.

Understand Network & Storage Scalability

Expansion in a growing business is a possible outcome when an increasing database can be stored without any downtime or network failure. It’s a way to deal with increasing data and to store it on a spacious device, storage, network without keeping it down or going through any sort of failure. Businesses who are already working on dedicated server hosting are already having control and flexibility (depending on the dedicated server hosting provider). For growing businesses, increased data is a quite common challenge. Segregating this data to a broad level and doing its expansion without performance failure is all known as Network & storage scalability.

Why Does Your Business Need Scalability On Dedicated Server Hostings?

There would be challenges like overloaded servers due to increased data, performance crash, and downtime. Though dedicated servers are powerful to manage your data infrastructure, growing businesses lead to more demand that needs other premium scalability. 

  • Dedicated servers are a physical set of data storage devices that is solely dedicated to one website, application, or your business infrastructure. 
  • However, like we mentioned above too, network expansion should be considered before you associate your business with any dedicated server hosting provider. 
  • Either they can do it or not. Like Kennies IT Data Center is a renowned organisation that can migrate and scale your business data without downtime. 

Thus, in the case of growing businesses, expansion should be seamless without going through any outage that can be turned into serious concern. 

Advantages Of Network & Storage Scalability

Scaling network and storage capacity carries multiple benefits. Here are some of the major ones that can excel your requirement of storage scalability:

  1. Flexibility: You can add more storage capacity as the business grows, without being limited by fixed storage space under a shared hosting environment.
  2. Affordability: Businesses only need to pay for the storage space as per their demand and use, by avoiding unwanted upfront investment plants in large storage capacities that might not be needed initially.
  3. Performance Optimization: By scaling storage as needed or required, you can easily maintain fast data access that excels and avoid performance hinderers due to limited storage capacity and space.
  4. Personalization: With more growth of businesses, they can easily customize spaces such as Increasing RAM, Adding more HDDs or SSDs best fitted for the specific data needs and workload.

Best Practices For Choosing Scalability On Dedicated Server Hosting

Scaling and selecting network scalability is a prominent task in itself that needs to be done harming existing business functioning including app or website working. Here’s what can be done by scaling data on dedicated server hosting.

Scaling More RAM

When multiple applications are running on one dedicated server, it requires more Random Access Memory (RAM) Space in it. RAM is a prominent component in smooth functioning of dedicated servers without impacting its performance. Increasing RAM turns out into smooth functioning without any interruption and increases its speed to handle tasks and work on more entries simultaneously.

Adding More Storage

Storage capacity is also a critical element that affects a server’s performance. A business stores more data on their servers, they might need to add more storage to collect their growing business’s needs. Adding more storage to a dedicated server can improve its reliability by offering redundancy and backup options. For those who are managing their servers on their own, they can install additional hardware and SSDs and configure them in a RAID array. It is required to select the right type of storage drive and ensure the server’s motherboard and operating systems.

Increasing Processing Power

Processing power means a server’s capability to perform calculations and process data quickly. As businesses are working on more complex applications then services on their servers might need enriched processing power to handle hectic workload. To add more processing power to dedicated servers, businesses can upgrade their server’s CPU or install GPUs. Moreover, it depends on the management side. Either they are managing it on their own or either they have collaborated with Dedicated server hosting providers. 

Load Balancing

This is one of the most vital steps that allows users for a smooth procedure. Load balancers are someone who can access the data, functionality, and requests coming on the system. The process allows them to distribute these requests in multiple ways to keep the load neutral without impacting actual functionality of the app or website. In this way, traffic could be monitored and distributed among servers based on their availability and capacity.

  1. Load Balancing can be done in three ways such as Hardware Integrations, Software, and cloud load balancing. 
  2. In physical load balancing, hardware can be used as a switch or router to distribute distance and traffic. 
  3. In software load balancing, it can be diverted on multiple platforms such as NGINX and Apache. 
  4. While on cloud servers, there is AWS and Microsoft Azure which can be helpful for load balancing.

Cost Considerations

Scaling businesses on their own servers could be expensive. From purchasing hardware devices such as CPUs, GPUs, Switches, or other hardware devices. There are a number of hardware expansion ways that could be resulted in increasing cost. Even on software ways for network scalability, there are software requirements that will lead you to expense. Thus, analyzing cost limits is a must factor. In such cases, dedicated server hosting providers play a vital role to take care of your dedicated server to their place. Dedicated server hosting service providers like Kennies IT are there to serve you a dedicated server with scalability and expansion at priority along with strong security compliances.


Network and storage scalability in dedicated server hosting plans is a requirement that can be raised by growing business. For such businesses, devices to store data without harming current functioning and without any downtime, storage scalability is required. As businesses like an e-commerce company need to have dedicated storage space where increasing databases can be done seamlessly. This expansion of the database is done via multiple ways such as hardware, software or cloud. But, scaling is not an easy task that can be done quickly. 

Assuring the data space scaling can be done directly by businesses if they are managing their businesses on their own. Though if they gave this task to a different data center and took their dedicated server hosting service then, whether they would be able to scale your dataspace later, is a must do task before closing the deal.

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